
Friday, May 22, 2020

We're back at school!!!!

The students were excited to see each other this week and it has been great to get back in the classroom learning together. There are quite a few changes in place at school which ensure everyone is safe. The biggest changes that affect our class are:

We start early and finish early - Start 8am, pack up at 1.30, Pick-ups at 1.45 and Bus leaves at 2pm.

- We hand sanitise when we leave the class and when we enter the class.

- We have to sit at our table and no moving around the classroom.
- If we spread our arms out and can touch someone, we are too close.
- Our break times are different from the juniors to make sure we can maintain social distancing.
- We keep our bags and drink bottles by the classroom to make it easier to have a drink as the fountains are not working.

The students really got into their learning this week and they will be working hard next week to share their learning on their blogs. We even managed to have a whole google hangout with Atama and Cooper at home, which was awesome as it was Atama’s birthday! Things may be a little different but the enthusiasm for learning that the students are showing is still the same.

Check out their smiling faces in their Term 2 photo.


  1. Although I miss our daily Google meet catch ups during lockdown, it's great to see that you are back at school. I love your smiley faces and can't wait to come up for a visit. Hopefully it won't be too long. Have a great learning week. I look forward reading about it on your blogs.

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  2. I am really enjoying the new classroom space. The tamariki look like they have all grown so much. Its great to see such big smiles.

  3. Hi my name is Ana and im from Glenbrae school,
    keep up the good work and keep those happy faces going,
    just remember to stay safe.

  4. Hi, my name is Lotte and I'm from your tui mai tui atu class, your class looks very happy to be back together, our is too
    I hope you have agood week back!

  5. hi my name is jari i'm from your tui mai tui atu class you look so cool and happy to be back at school I am to,hope you have a good week

  6. l like your photo and your smile and the you are standing

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