
Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Fun at Home with Zana, Kaydee, Zion and Edmon!

The students in Te Manga have been doing all sorts while they've been at home. 

This is Zana's pet pig Hogg. He is little, black and super cute. He has already grown a lot since this picture was taken almost a month ago. 

Zion and his lovely little brother Tyson had fun making dominoes fall BUT their dominoes were big blocks of wood. Check out their cool video.

Kaydee's dad made her a cool pair of stilts. His dad made him some when he was little and now Kaydee has some too. When she grows her dad can move the blocks higher. We're looking forward to her bringing them into school when we all go back.

Edmon has been busy doing science experiments with his family. He has been learning all about surface tension. Look at his learning video and click here to go to his blog which has some great posts about his experiments.


  1. wow cool experiment Zion

  2. I want to do that to

  3. Hi, my name is Lotte and I am from your tuhi mai tuhi atu class, this looks like a really cool exprement, what were your aims for it? I can see in the video that the water is rising above the cups brim- almost like jelly. It would be very cool to inculd how you thought of this exprment and what your aims were when doing the exprement.Keep the hard work up!From your tuhi mai tuhi atu class, Lotte.

    1. Hi Lotte, there was a link to click onto Edmon's blog to learn more about the experiements. Here is the link to his blog - Have a lovely weekend, Whaea Deb

  4. Hi my name is jari that is really cool how it look likes a snow cone but we just cant haer you.
