
Thursday, May 28, 2020

Project Energise with Garth

We have been going out for fitness and a game every day and the students have certainly enjoyed this. Today we had a super energetic fitness session with Garth. He had the students doing sets of star jumps, high knees, butt kicks and burpees followed by two very fun games that got their hearts pumping. Thanks Garth, we can't wait to see you next week!

Friday, May 22, 2020

We're back at school!!!!

The students were excited to see each other this week and it has been great to get back in the classroom learning together. There are quite a few changes in place at school which ensure everyone is safe. The biggest changes that affect our class are:

We start early and finish early - Start 8am, pack up at 1.30, Pick-ups at 1.45 and Bus leaves at 2pm.

- We hand sanitise when we leave the class and when we enter the class.

- We have to sit at our table and no moving around the classroom.
- If we spread our arms out and can touch someone, we are too close.
- Our break times are different from the juniors to make sure we can maintain social distancing.
- We keep our bags and drink bottles by the classroom to make it easier to have a drink as the fountains are not working.

The students really got into their learning this week and they will be working hard next week to share their learning on their blogs. We even managed to have a whole google hangout with Atama and Cooper at home, which was awesome as it was Atama’s birthday! Things may be a little different but the enthusiasm for learning that the students are showing is still the same.

Check out their smiling faces in their Term 2 photo.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Welcome to Level 2!

We have been learning online for 5 weeks! Some of our students have been learning online for even longer! Well done to all of our students for the effort that they have put into their learning from home over this time.

Today we finished our online sessions with Free Writing Friday, a super scavenger hunt and our class assembly. Congratulations to Lucy, Millan and Reo who received our class certificates this week.

Check out our Free Writing Friday 

Next Monday we will be returning to school. The majority of our class are coming back and we have a few students who will continue their learning from home using our class site for a while longer. We have a very clear health and safety plan in place at school, keeping our distance, hand hygiene and being kind are of the utmost importance.  

Friday, May 8, 2020

Friday Fun Day Scavenger Hunt

As part of our 'Friday Fun Day' we did two scavenger hunts. The rules were simple:

1. DO NOT disturb anyone in your household while you are looking for items for our scavenger hunt.


2. DON'T BREAK ANYTHING or tear the house apart.

Everyone had to give a thumbs up that they could see the list and then it was 
Ready, Set, Go!!!!!!!!

The students had a great time!!! They also put everything back where they found it so everyone was happy!

May Free Writing Friday

We have been doing FREE WRITING FRIDAY as a group for the past 2 weeks during our 9am catch up. Last week we had 16 keen writers and this morning we had 11! It is amazing how much writing can be achieved in a 20 minute writing session.

Our writing focus is on FREE WRITING which means we can write about anything at all! We know that re-crafting and editing is important however this session is all about sharing our thoughts and ideas in our writing without worrying about mistakes. We can re-craft and edit at a later date.

We hope you enjoy reading our wonderful free writing!


Term 2 - Week 4 - Te Manga Class Certificates

We had a class assembly today to acknowledge those who have received their reading certificates, 'Top in Class' for Mathletics and to award our weekly certificates.

The following students have been 'Top of Our Class' for Mathletics:
 Week 1 - Kaydee, Week 2 - Edmon, Week 3 - Alani and Week 4 - Reo. 
Keep up the great Mathletics learning everyone!

Our class certificates this week went to Jamie, Tuva-Lisa and Zion.
Click on their name to check out the fabulous learning they have been doing at home.

Congratulations to all our learners, you should feel very proud of how you are managing yor learning at home! Well done everyone!

Term 2 Week 4 - 100 Nights Home Reading - Congratulations

The Te Manga students have continued their home reading since being at home. They will get their paper certificates when we're back at school but in the meantime they can enjoy their digital reading badges, which they can post on their blog. 

Check out our amazing readers ...

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Fun at Home with Zana, Kaydee, Zion and Edmon!

The students in Te Manga have been doing all sorts while they've been at home. 

This is Zana's pet pig Hogg. He is little, black and super cute. He has already grown a lot since this picture was taken almost a month ago. 

Zion and his lovely little brother Tyson had fun making dominoes fall BUT their dominoes were big blocks of wood. Check out their cool video.

Kaydee's dad made her a cool pair of stilts. His dad made him some when he was little and now Kaydee has some too. When she grows her dad can move the blocks higher. We're looking forward to her bringing them into school when we all go back.

Edmon has been busy doing science experiments with his family. He has been learning all about surface tension. Look at his learning video and click here to go to his blog which has some great posts about his experiments.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Our Letters to Essential Workers

Our class have been writing thank you letters to essential workers in our community.The class have written letters to health care workers, Pak n Save, Kaitaia Police and many more.  We really appreciate everything that they have done for us over this time.  

Monday, May 4, 2020

Roald Dahl Reading Group - Wheels by Bronwen Wall

We are learning to think about what we know and make connections to what we're reading. We are learning to identify and summarise some facts about wheels.

Before we started reading we were thinking about how many things we have that have wheels. 

This is the list we came up with ...

roller coaster
wheel barrow

Check out Larell's poster to share some interesting facts about wheels!

Friday, May 1, 2020

Term 2 - Week 3 - Te Manga - Pupil of the Week and Class Certificates

We had our first class assembly for Term 2 to acknowledge those who have received their 50 nights and 75 nights of reading and to award our weekly certificates.

This week our certificates went to Koda, Edmon and Kaiora.

Te Manga was able to choose a 'Pupil of the Week' and this week it has gone to Larell.

Congratulations to all our learners, you have been doing great from home!