
Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Week 4 - Back to Level 2 - What we think about it.

This week there have been cases of Covid-19 in our Auckland community. Auckland is in L3 lockdown and the rest of the country has returned to Level 2. 

Today we discussed what this meant for our class, our school and our community. 

The students thought about their experience in Level 2 last term. What were the rules? How do they feel about L2 now? Here are some of the students thoughts ...


You have to physical distance. 3 or less people are allowed in a dairy, keep a two metre distance away from people that are not in our family. No parties, no going to other countries.You can not travel so far away from where you live. No big gathering’s of 100 people or over. No touching our nose,mouth,ears and eyes.You have to hand sanitize a lot so you wont get covid 19.  


Now people are not allowed touch and not allowed to touch their face.Now your not allowed to play tag or any touching games because that is what you call sharing germs and that makes the other people sick and that could cause covid-19.


Don’t go into public toilets or go on public playground.Wash your hands before and after baking,playing with animals and going onto the community.


I feel annoyed because I get bored at home in lockdown. [Apart from watching movies] I love watching movies. lockdown + movies = happiness lockdown + no school = boredness


You are not allowed to hug, that is so sad because I love to hug.  You can not have a gathering of more than 100 people and  no shared kai. You can not travel overseas.


We were supposed to have a cross country on Thursday but because of Covid-19 it got postponed to a different date and our assembly was canceled to a different date too. covid -19 is a pan because you can not play soccer, rugby or have gymnastic competition.    


At level two lock-down we all have to make sure that we are social distancing. I do not feel happy about coronavirus being back in New Zealand. I do feel a bit scared about my family that live in Auckland because most of them are adults.


Lockdown, it is so boring if we go into lockdown. Its so boring because I do not get to see my friends and I do not get to go for a walk.I feel so disappointed.


Always remember that we need to be 1-2 meters apart and we need to stay in our bubbles. The people in Auckland need to stay in isolation. We need to try really hard to not bite our nails and touch our face. We need to make sure we wash our hands before and after we go somewhere. 


  1. What fantastic thoughts Te Manga. I hope that this doesn't last very long. It is great to know see that you are all making sure that you keep to the guidelines in class and during play. I am looking forward to getting back to Level 1. Stay safe and thank you for your wonderful advice about what you can and can not do during L2.

  2. I would be very grateful if Covid would just go away and stay away. Glad to see that you guys know what to do to keep yourselves safe! Thank you for sharing!
