
Thursday, January 31, 2019

Te Manga 2019 - We Love Reading!!!!

Welcome to our first Te Manga Blog Post. We have 24 keen Year 3 and Year 4 students, ready to embark on a great year of learning. 

Reading is an important part of our school day and our 100 Nights Reading Club at home.  Today we visited our school library and the students chose 'fiction' texts from the yellow room. Our students are learning how the 'Five Finger Rule' can help them to choose an appropriate book for independent reading. Once you have chosen a book you open it to any page and read as best you can. If you don't know 5 or more words, the book is too difficult and you would need help to read it. If you know most of the words and are only unsure of 2-3 words, then it is a good independent choice for you! 

The students practiced using the '5 Finger Rule' when choosing their library books today.


  1. Very clever Te Manga! And what excellent book choices you have made. I look forward to following more of your learning this year. Mrs Davan

  2. That's a great idea to know when a book is too hard or just right for you. 'Deep Trouble' was such a good read Edward has finished reading it already!
